Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Build A Massive Chest Fast


Build a chest like this.
Link to original photo.
Every man wants a massive chest, and fast. Why? First, a large chest demands respect, and you will definitely get it. Second, it just looks good, whether you have your shirt on or not. Third, women are naturally attracted to big, strong chests. I think that's a good enough reason. But how does one get a chest like this? Read on for the workout.

First things first, make sure that you are getting proper nutrition with your workouts, and ample rest time before working the same muscle again. Now, here's how you build a massive chest fast.

Bench Press:
-Perform 3 sets of 5 reps. Be sure to maintain good form and breath properly

Dumbbell Bench Press:
-Perform 3 sets of 5 reps. Hold the dumbbells level with your chest, push them upward and squeeze them at the top momentarily. Then take a few seconds to lower them back down.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press:
-Perform 3 sets of 5 reps. Set the bench to your desired incline, between 30 and 45 degrees. Hold the weights level with your chest, and push them upward and squeeze at the top. Take a few seconds to lower. This exercise will help you build a more developed chest.

Pec Fly's:
-Perform 3 sets of 5 reps. Choose your desired dumbbell weight. Lye down on the bench and hold the dumbbells in each hand, so your arms are spread out and level with your chest. So your body forms a T shape. Then raise the dumbbells up, and meet them at the top. Take a few seconds to lower. This helps build inner chest.

Push Ups:
-Perform 2 sets of as many as you can. Push ups are a very under rated exercise, as most people do the bench press instead. But the push up can help you build a good amount of muscle, and it increases your muscular endurance. Not to mention helps cut and tone your muscles.

Do this workout 3 times a week, and within 6 weeks or so you should see some very nice results.

There you have it, how to build a massive chest fast.

Dedication is Everything.

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